For many years, the taste and appearance of the product are no longer the only purchasing criteria. Consumers are now looking for new guarantees in terms of traceability. The information must be as transparent as possible.
In the fruit and vegetable sectors, many labels or certifications then emerged, promising to each customer, a healthy product, form sustainable agriculture.
Our team is trained to ensure that each package purchased and sold on our behalf is consistent with these new expectations desired by consumer.

Supported by the DGCCRF (Fraud control), FeL Partenariat is a unique self-checking approach for the fruits and vegetables sectors in France, and bringing together 3 sectors :
- Expedition / Exportation
- Importation
- Wholesale
Now, 100 companies have obtained this certification, bringing together nearly 2 million tons of products.
We have been certified since 2015.
We monitor a lot of points, from reception to dispatch :
- Control of the goods upon receipt (Caliber, Varieties … )
- Compliance with hygiene standards (Washing hands and equipment)
- Application of the HACCP approach (Health and safety)
- Verification of the sanitary conformity of products (Pesticides, contaminants … )
- Internals and laboratory analysies (annual sampling plan)
- Crisis management (Product recalls, or risk analysis …)
- Traçability controls
(94 control points)
For more informations, click here : FeL Partenariat
This is the best-known certification, the one that responds to the consumer’s food safety needs.
We offer an organic range in our store, depending on the demand of our professional customers.
To be authorized to sell it, we had to respect strict rules, from the transport of the goods to their marketing.
There is two types of products, conventional and organic. The first one corresponds to the normality, about fruits and vegetables that can be found in all stores without specific stritc names.
BIO, on the other hand, is a protected product. Everything is controlled, from the environment surrounding it during its cultivation to its consumption. It must meet the highest safety and health requirements.
On the market, we are at the center of the chain, since we directly select the most qualitative and tasty fruits and vegetables from our producers, in France and abroad.
The steps to follow
- Separation of conventional and organic goods during transport.
- Rigorous cleaning of our tools is required between each inspection form reception, to avoid any risk of contamination of one product by another.
- We store the goods in a specific refrigerated areas, dedicated solely to the storage of this type of goods. This zone is delimited on the ground with specific display.
- Then, the goods are moved to our store to be sold there, always in a separate and marked area (Organic goods).
To prove our compliance with the rules, we are regularly checked by the ECOCERT organization, which then carries out several audits during the year, planned or suprise (
From an administrative point of view, we must provide our certification as well as that of our producers or intermediaries who intervene just before us.
In addition, our traceability method is monitored and our facilities are scrutinized to avoid any problem in the chain.
Nowadays, everyone wants to know where the products they consume, taste or share come from. We don’t explain what our work is, we pass it on.

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